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Individual Mobility Project (IMP)

IMP coordinator

Zrinka Duvnjak

What is IMP?


Individual Mobility Project (IMP) is a longtime project of individual mobility founded by EPSA (European Pharmaceutical Students’ Association). IMP practice is a serious, paid work abroad and represents an uniqe chance to gain a large amount of professional working experience. IMP interns can be students of finishing years of pharmacy and students who have graduated in the last 24 months form all European countries that are members of EPSA. IMP practice can last form at leatst 3 months to maximum of 12 months and a student can go anywhere in Europe where IMP practice is offered. You can find out more about IMP offers on the official website.

For more information, you can contact our national IMP coordinator -



Function of NIMP (National IMP Coordinator)?


  • Promotion of IMP to students and post-graduate students

  • Promotion of IMP to all potential IMP partners in our country where foreign students can work

  • Preselection of candidates in a collaboration with the Central IMP Coordinator

  • In case of a succesful IMP placement and arrival of the intern, NIMP is responsible for all essential paperwork as well as helping the intern to fit in our country in every way possible (accomodation, sightseeing, social events..)

  • Helping out potential candidates from our conutry with the application as well as checking the veracity of informations that intern filled in the application form

  • Constant collaboration with Central IMP Coordinator and IMP Board





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Udruga studenata farmacije i medicinske biokemije Hrvatske


Croatian Pharmacy and Medical Biochemistry Students' Association

Ante Kovačića 1

10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska

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Courtesy of Karlo Žili
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